Thursday, April 22, 2010

#4- Accounting Classes

So tomorrow is my Final Exam! 3 hours long. Hopefully I can pull off atleast a B in the class comfortably. yes i'm nervous cause I heard it was gonna be hard. I did great in the beginning and slacked near the end! You know how that goes. Well I calculated how long it would take me to finish the Master's program... and let's just say it's gonna take alot longer than I thought especially b/c I'm only going to be a part-time student from now on. Full-time should only take 2 years.. but if I do it part time, it'll take atleast 4-5. Ohhh Pooo.... I decided to drop down to part-time so I could maintain my work-family balance and not f-up the Accounting program. Oh well, as long as I finish right?! Wish me luck!!

(ALMOST) 1 class down!! K.. back to studying!

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