Friday, June 5, 2009

#31- Take Maternity Pictures

Last Sunday (May 31st) me & Jeremy took Maternity pictures at Sandbridge right after Sunrise.

Well, it all began with my friend, Pam advising me to take maternity pics b/c it's something she always wanted to do when she was pregnant but didn't get the chance too.
Well Pam absolutely loooooves photography, has a bad-ass camera, and is a photoshop teacher.... so naturally, I asked her to take the pics! haha... She said she's still learning and "getting her feet wet" in the whole photography thing but honestly, she seriously did one hell of a job!!!

Moral of the story, - be careful when you give me advice, I might ask you to help me carry it out! hahaha...

and let me pass on my wisdom too!- Go get Maternity pics!!

We were going to take a pic just for our invitations, but it turned out to be a full blown photoshoot!! I remember Pam mentioning that our pics was her first actual photoshoot! And she did great everyone!! She was very professional and we had soooo much fun! And of course, the pics are BREATHTAKING... much better then I ever imagined actually! =) Plus, I love the fact that a good friend took the pictures because we really got to share the moment with people we care about. I'll post more pics later. I apologize for being stingy but I want to print some of the pics and debut them at the baby shower since they're so "beautiful"! Thanks Pam!

My sister was my make-up artist and she was also the one who helped pose me and Jeremy, b/c boy, did we need help! haha. Thank God my sis was there or me and Jerm may have looked a lot more ackward! =) And then we had Domini- the Videographer! haha.... He used Jerm's HD Camcorder. yup, we had a whole "crew" following us around. At one point I felt like a real Model!... NOT! hahahaha.... but me & Jerm got some insight into their glamorous world! hahaha... We thought Domini was only taking video clips here and there but when we looked at the video later, he ran the camera the whole time!! hahaha.... so yea, we can re-live the day over and over again! What a good guy!

As far as the pics, they turned out great! Boy am I getting a lil round! haha.. but hey, I need to REMEMBER that I'm prego!!! what's a little weight here and there! haha... there's something beautiful inside of me! lol... besides, this is why we took pics, to remember that round belly on me! hahahaha...

My dress was from Coastal Edge,
my flip-flops were from H&M, my bracelet was from Tiffany's (a gift from Jerm), my "diamond teardrop" necklace was another gift from Jerm, and my white gold "dangling" earings were a gift from my Auntie Vangie. I did my hair & Bern did my make-up. Jerm's button up was Hurley and his pants were from Macy's. Jerm did his hair and he's NOT wearing make-up. hehe....

We do have one more photoshoot when I get bigger. I'm a little scared I might get too BIG by then.... and just look like a big blob! Hopefully not!! haha... "OK Bev... stay AWAY from the Pizza Rolls"! haha.... At that one, our sisters, Bern & Gwen, will be making a cameo in the pics! I'm sooooo excited about that one!

Yes everyone, we had a Blast last Sunday! And the photoshoot had a memorable ending!! (but you only get the story if you ask). Here's some pics below.

#31 on my list is officially COMPLETED. (until the next photoshoot)! =)


  1. I LOVE the pics and I'm so proud of my sister for doing such a great job! Of course, it's easy with beautiful people! :)

  2. awww...bev! *tear* thx for all the lovely comments! I can't thank you guys enough for allowing me to take your pix - it's great to know that you're happy with them. I can't wait for the next one!!! =D
